Турист toweruzb
был 10 апреля 2019 11:00

Great Silk Road - the region's historic brand

This phenomenon is natural, such an approach is fully justified. With the proviso that the generated images are consonant with reliable sources, documents, information without bias in one direction or another. One of such world famous historical brands is the Great Silk Road. Its exceptional popularity is due to the tremendous importance for the region and the continent, the development of civilization as a whole.

During the years of independence, the study, preservation of the historical heritage of Uzbekistan acquired a special meaning, and the routes of the Silk Road, as is known, are inherently connected with our country.

— Indeed, worldwide interest in the Great Silk Road is growing. In fact, it can be considered as the first project on the globalization of trade and economic relations, which explains the value of studying historical experience. In addition, the ties that have formed over the centuries, according to which many states have since cooperated in different directions, have not gone away.

The enormous significance of the Great Silk Road, the impact on whole civilizations induces the people of science to study its history more deeply and discover new facets. Scientists of our country have published many scientific papers and collections of articles on this topic.

Great Silk Road - the region's historic brand

However, this area has not yet been fully studied. A number of ancient documents, artifacts of that period, testifying to the role of the peoples who inhabited our region, the territory of modern Uzbekistan, in the formation and development of the Great Silk Road, as well as on the contribution to the development of economic and cultural ties between the ancient states, the impact on their peoples and ethnic groups, awaiting their researchers. But already available information allows us to confidently assert that it was here, through present-day Uzbekistan, that the key routes of the global transport artery passed. — How and when did it all start? There is evidence, confirmed by a number of studies, that the history of trade routes in the region goes back several thousand years. At all times, the all-round development of nations was associated with the establishment of transit and trade routes. For many centuries BC, relations between nations began to develop rapidly in most parts of Central Asia. As it is known from historical sources, already in the Bronze Age our region was connected by trade routes with neighboring. Among the routes is the so-called Lazurite Route, which brought gems from Central Asia to Iran, Mesopotamia and Egypt, the Shah road of the Ahamenid era, as well as other routes. If we refer to the ancient manuscripts, the beginning of the Great Silk Road functioning dates from the second half of the 2nd century BC, when the Chinese diplomat and traveler Zhang Jian first opened the Western Territory for the Celestial Empire — the countries of Central Asia. Thus, according to academician Edward Rtveladze, two great roads were connected into one whole, which previously went into unknown lands. One — from the west from the Mediterranean countries, traversed by the Hellenes and Macedonians during the campaigns of Alexander the Great and the Seleucids, the other from the east from the Han Empire, explored by Zhang Jiang, who passed this region from north to south through Davan (Fergana), Kangüy (Central Asian Mesopotamia) and Bactria. The Chinese traveler was awaited by an impressive sight at that time: in the Fergana Valley alone, he counted more than 70 urban settlements. Here was developed craft and agriculture, and their inhabitants were trading with India, the Near and Middle East, as well as with Greece and Rome. Zhang Jian reported on everything to the emperor, and also spoke about the amazing beauty he had seen and his horses, advising to improve relations with the rulers of this region. In 121 BC, the first caravan loaded with silk and bronze mirrors set off along the Great Silk Road. His destination was the Fergana oasis. By the way, the familiar, now branded name of the transcontinental road — the Silk Road — became established by historical standards relatively recently. This term (in German «Seidenstrassen») was introduced into scientific use by the geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen in 1877. Silk, as noted by another German scientist Albert Hermann, was the main product that introduced the two different worlds — East and West. — What role did the ancient cities and regions of Uzbekistan play on the trade and economic routes of that time? — The Great Silk Road was of great importance for its era. The substantial flourishing of the Great Silk Road also fell on the board of Amir Temur, when safety was ensured on all roads, and scientists and architects from all over the world gathered in the cities of his vast state. Sahibkiran created favorable conditions for the rapid development of handicraft business. The role of our region not only as a transshipment point in transregional trade, but also as a manufacturer of high-quality goods has increased significantly. — Tell us about the humanitarian component of the Great Silk Road. — The path connecting civilizations has led to the establishment of broad economic, humanitarian ties between the West and the East.

Great Silk Road - the region's historic brand

The culture of nations was enriched, and cooperation developed. This path served the world. The convenient geographical position contributed, in the opinion of historians, to the fact that Central Asia became the epicenter of the most important ethnic processes — migration of peoples, active interaction of cultures. Thanks to the Great Silk Road, vigorous activity was conducted: large-scale trade operations were carried out, diplomatic treaties and alliances were concluded. According to Edward Rtveladze, the peoples of Central Asia play an outstanding role in the distribution of letters and world religions, as well as many cultural and technical achievements. The combination of factors makes it possible to say that the Great Silk Road is not just a caravan route, but a multifunctional phenomenon unique in the history of Eurasia, the degree of influence and influence of which on many aspects of its existence was immense. As the Silk Road developed, it became a tradition to send ambassadors to different countries and exchange gifts. The influence of Eastern culture on Western and vice versa has increased.

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